“I can't change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” - Jimmy Dean

Sharing your story can be awkward and difficult.

That's why building a good therapeutic relationship is essential. Rather than fixing the problem or jumping to teaching techniques, I will start our work by creating a warm and safe place between you and me. I will see you as a whole person and navigate your story beyond psychiatric diagnoses. It may include discussing your childhood experiences, family origin, or unconscious feelings and images in your mind.

My therapy style is playful, inclusive, and compassionate.

As a nature and animal lover, I enjoy observing things with curiosity. Using a holistic and intuitive approach, I help you become more aware of your mind-body connection and learn about yourself. 

My personal and professional journey also led to incorporating a culturally affirming, trauma-informed, and eclectic approach into my therapy sessions. I provide traditional talk therapy using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Family system theory and multicultural counseling to understand individuals from a holistic perspective.

Tired of Talk Therapy? No problem!

In addition to traditional talk therapy, I use fun and creative therapeutic tools. I attended specialized training for Sandtray (for adults!), Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) and Somatic Experiencing. I have noticed these bottom-up therapy interventions can be powerful as they can help clients strengthen connections between their physical, emotional and spiritual/ intuitive parts and activate their right brain.

Your session will be customized based on your needs and treatment goals. In this collaborative relationship, we will discover hope and inner strengths to face your daily struggles.  My job is to support you in finding an authentic self throughout sessions.

Professional Interests

You may feel exhausted from dealing with your family member, romantic partner, colleague, or friend.

  • Are you feeling stuck in a repeated pattern in your romantic relationship?

  • Are you feeling hurt by your past relationship and finding it hard to trust people?

  • Do you often think nobody understands you in your family and your values are not respected?

  • Are you interested in building a healthy relationship but don’t know where to start?


Are you afraid of making mistakes? I invite you to navigate your intertwined stories together.

  • Do you constantly try to prove yourself and your worth to others?

  • Do you see yourself as a people pleaser to not be abandoned?

  • Do you usually set unrealistic expectations for yourself and people who are important to you?

  • Do you identify yourself as a perfectionist?


Life events often thrill us but they can be stressful even with good changes.

  • Do you feel lonely in your current community and purposely isolate yourself from others?

  • Do you want to discuss your unique identity and explore your values?

  • Do you feel less energetic and unmotivated to move toward your goals?

  • Are you going through life transitions and do you need someone to talk to?

Identity Crisis